Produse pentru industria de export (6)

Angrosist Industrial pentru Furnizări Industriale - Angrosist / Exportator de Furnizări Industriale în Germania

Angrosist Industrial pentru Furnizări Industriale - Angrosist / Exportator de Furnizări Industriale în Germania

As industrial wholesalers / traders / exporters for industrial and storage supplies in Germany, we offer the following products and many more: Wholesaler for / Exporter of Industrial supplies, storage supplies, municipal supplies and ship supplies. Workplace systems such as industrial chairs and packing tables / workstations Industrial scales as well as rental scales for stocktaking Transport trolleys for production and storage Industrial floors, industrial floor tiles and workplace mats Hall markings, industrial markings, floor markings Warehouse markings as well as shelf signs with barcode Noise protection, such as noise barriers and anti-vibration mats Lean management consulting Tactile guidance systems for the blind Purchasing agency for industrial supplies (including technical drawing parts made of plastic / rubber and supplier search)
Dry Burst "DB-100SCE" - Moara Uscată

Dry Burst "DB-100SCE" - Moara Uscată

Der Dry Burst ist eine Gegenluftstrom-Trockenfräsmaschine, welche die hochpräzise Mechatronik unserer Metallmikrobearbeitungsmaschinen mit dem Pulverisierungs-Know-how unserer Nasszerstäubungsanlagen kombiniert. Die Wartung ist einfach, da Demontage und Reinigung ohne Werkzeuge ausgeführt werden können. Throughput:max. 4 kg/h
Componente din cauciuc

Componente din cauciuc

Pro­jekte jeder Grö­ßen­ord­nung setzen wir stets zuver­lässig und fle­xibel um. Unsere Groß­presse macht selbst groß­vo­lu­mige Teile für Sie mög­lich. Gum­mi­form­teile von M+R sind keine Stan­dard­ware. Erwarten Sie von uns umfas­sende Mit­wir­kung bei der Rea­li­sie­rung von Son­der­lö­sungen für Ihren ganz spe­zi­ellen Bedarf. Wir bieten Ihnen in unserem kon­ti­nu­ier­lich wach­senden Geschäfts­be­reich der Form­teile umfang­reiche und fun­dierte Bera­tung, kon­struk­tive Unter­stüt­zung bei der Pro­jekt­vor­ar­beit sowie die ter­min­ge­rechte Her­stel­lung Ihrer gewünschten Pro­dukte – kom­plett aus einer Hand.
Export către Guyana - "Guyana Supplies" exportă furnituri industriale către Guyana.

Export către Guyana - "Guyana Supplies" exportă furnituri industriale către Guyana.

"Guyana Supplies" de AAAgiler GmbH (Allemagne) est le "fournisseur industriel" pour l'industrie de la Guyane et du Suriname, y compris ses secteurs pétrolier, maritime et offshore en pleine croissance ! En tant que grossiste, nous exportons des fournitures industrielles de haute qualité "Made in Germany" ainsi que "Made in Europe" vers la Guyane.
Export către Surinam - Ca angrosist industrial, exportăm furnituri industriale.

Export către Surinam - Ca angrosist industrial, exportăm furnituri industriale.

Les produits proposés comprennent du mobilier pour salles blanches et du mobilier industriel, des grilles de protection, par exemple pour les centres de données, des balances ATEX/industrielles, du matériel ESD, du mobilier de blanchisserie professionnelle, des fournitures pour la marine et l'offshore, du matériel lourd, des tapis industriels, des tapis mobiles absorbant le bruit pour les chantiers de construction, des rubans de marquage au sol, des étiquettes magnétiques pour les entrepôts, des étiquettes pour les entrepôts, des étiquettes pour les rayonnages et d'autres équipements pour les entrepôts. Et bien d'autres produits encore...
Echipamente Industriale - Exportator de echipamente industriale și furnituri fabricate în Germania și Europa

Echipamente Industriale - Exportator de echipamente industriale și furnituri fabricate în Germania și Europa

Offering international, multidisciplinary team for efficient project purchasing and special procurements in Germany / the DACH region The importance of a strong procurement department is critical to successfully completing projects. DEDE Industrieausstattung recognises that adding international engineers to the team is key to successful procurement of materials and services. The team not only has broad, international expertise, but also a deep understanding of industry requirements. The engineers are not only able to minimise risks, but also proactively take measures to mitigate them. This helps to complete projects on time and on budget. DEDE Industrial Equipment also specializes in sourcing specialist products and solutions and can identify qualified niche manufacturers. Customers can benefit from this expansion and rely on the expertise and commitment of the multidisciplinary team. Clients can rely on us to meet their quality, schedule and budget requirements.